Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm waiting to finish the rest of my potion on Pottermore. I need to bide my time somehow.

Top Ten Favorite Things in my Room

10. Chalkboard decal
-This is a relatively new edition to my bedroom, but one I've wanted for a very long time. If you've ever seen (500) Days of Summer, the main character, Tom, has an entire wall that is actually a chalkboard. However, that wouldn't be very logical for me to have because I could reach to about five and a half feet, but the rest would always be blank. Unless I had a really long piece of chalk...anyway, I like it because I can write whatever I like on it whenever I like. For instance, this week alone it's read, "Jeremiah was a bullfrog!" and "love doesn't exist. troof." So creative.

9. Four poster...s
-I really wish I could've made that "four poster bed" but alas, I cannot. I have four posters on my wall. Death Cab for Cutie, Something Corporate, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Beauty and the Beast. Funny thing? Beauty and the Beast has been hidden behind my large, rectangular mirror (which used to hang in our old bathroom) for about five years now.

8. Hello Kitty gumball machine
-It's a known truth -- I love Hello Kitty. I can't tell you why, I just do. I like anything cute. And she's the definition of cute. She was a present from my best friend's mother, and I squealed ridiculously when I got for my birthday last year. It's big and it's pink and it sits (frivolously, Mom) atop my bookshelf. Want a piece of gum that tastes like an eraser five minutes into chewing it? Just ask!

7. My tack lamp
-I was going to try to describe it, but this picture does it better justice than I ever could. I have the green one, and it's kind of one of the coolest things I've ever owned.

6. Life-sized Edward Cullen
-Say what you will about Twilight. No really, do please. I'll probably agree with you on most of it. A friend of mine asked me what I wanted for my birthday last year. I said (somewhat jokingly), "A giant Edward." Lo and behold, a giant Edward is what I received. For the first few months, he lived out in our living room. However, he kept scaring the poops out of people coming to our house. So, now he lives in the corner. He's kind of like my protector. It's a little awkward when I'm getting dressed though...

5. The top of my desk
-I have a ridiculous amount of knickknacks up here. A couple of teddy bears, the only two stuffed animals I've won out of those claw things, an Intel bunny, an actual bunny (stuffed), a fireman's hat, a ceramic bee my best friend Lee painted for me, a Hello Kitty balloon (the kind on the stick; it's been there since my birthday last year), a frog that dances and sings "In Da Club" by 50 Cent when you press his toe and a Groundskeeper Willie figurine (from The Simpsons).
(In case you're wondering, this is what an Intel bunny looks like.)

4. My record player
-Also happens to be a CD player, a tape player, a radio and an MP3 player. I mainly use it for records though. Maybe it's the hipster in me, but there's something about listening to Queen on vinyl that just makes me feel cool for about five minutes. And then I remember that I'm not that cool and go cry at the door. (That was for you, Kate and Lee!)

3. A pink bedazzled picture frame
-I guess it's not really about the frame at all. It has inside of it a picture of me and one my oldest friends, Rachel. We were best friends for nearly 10 years, and yet there are few pictures of us. Rachel committed suicide last year. Unfortunately, it was something that I knew was going to happen for a long time. But I still miss her tremendously. The picture was taken in our freshman year of high school, right before a high school football game. We both look quite hideous, but it's kind of perfect that way.

2. The box under my bed
-Sounds ominous, doesn't it? It used to be bottom left drawer in my dresser...not the box...No. Let me get this straight. The box is filled with letters, notes, cards and other documents (oh, that sounds formal) from my past. It's basically a box full of nostalgia. I have pictures of the ex in there, pictures from fifth grade. Get-well cards I received after my appendix burst. I'm not a hoarder, but I can't seem to throw those away. I like remembering.

1. Hubert Cumberdale
-If I could turn any object into my future husband, it would be him. Yes, he's a teddy bear. Yes, I made him at Build-a-Bear. And yes, he's wearing an argyle sweater. He's adorable and sweet and always keeps me company. As a person, I imagine he'd leave me cute love notes filled with M83 or Damien Rice lyrics. He would make me breakfast in bed and tell me I'm beautiful everyday. Unfortunately, he's not a person. Darn. But I love him nevertheless!

All right. The list is over. Thanks for coming. Goodnight!


Unknown said...

HHAAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! number 1 IS DEF my FAVVVVVE

Katlin Elizabeth said...

I'm a big fan of 6, just because of all the memories. :)