I woke up to rain yesterday morning. And in front of my closed eyelids I saw lightning. I heard thunder. Storms (and by storms, I really mean Southern California's pathetic drippings of rain) are extremely peaceful. I think most people find rain to be lovely, but I know a lot of people who find thunder frightening. But not me. It gives me comfort in its loudness. It's kind of like when I've been on airplanes and there's turbulence. Goodness, I love the feeling of turbulence. It settles my nerves completely and actually helps me relax.
I really don't have a point to this post. But I'm definitely wishing for more stormage.
In other news, KaBridge and I watched The Holiday today. I could watch that movie for the rest of eternity and never get tired of it. I can't put my finger on what makes it so different than other chick flicks. It's a classic romantic comedy, but it's so much more than that. This part of the movie is the sweetest, most lovable scene of all time. I would die if a man said what Jack Black says to Kate Winslet to me. "I used only the good notes." Tear.
PS: I found out that The IT Crowd is doing a fifth season. If Roy and Jen don't fall in love, I'm going to cry.
Another PS: Thanks KATE, by the way, for making me want to cry my eyes out with this site. LOVE DOESN'T EXIST. Wahh.

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