I don't pretend to be an artist...actually, I suck at drawing or painting. However, sometimes I can be creative when it comes to art. For example, tonight I played a game called WhatchamaDRAWit with my best friends. Object of the game? One person picks a card with a random phrase and we have to draw it. The person who picked the card chooses a winner. Whoever has the most winning pictures...wins. And that was totally me. Here's why.
Notice my literal depiction of an "antsy snake." For some reason my elf looked more like a singer from the Von Trapp family. The hiiiiiillllls are aliiiiivvvvve!
And the winner was...
I'm dead.
But we all agreed that I basically won the entire game with my first picture.
I give you Cat Bacon. And Senor Crooked Face was feeling hungry!
I've never seen that game anywhere. Believe me, if I had..I would now own it.
Go to papersource.com. That's where Leanne bought it!
that is probably the best game to ever own... you don't even need anyone to play with you! just pull it out and start drawing!
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