Saturday, October 22, 2011

B is for bacon...

...and that's good enough for me.

It's true--KaBridge and I totally made chocolate chip cookies and we added candied bacon to the recipe. Those darn cookies were to die for! Alas, it was not our idea. We kind of stole it from Meesch. If you want to see what this delectable dessert looks like, take a look here. (By the way, I'm totally addicted to this blog. Food plus outfits plus decorating ideas? I want this to be my fuuuuture!)
Mom is not a fan at all; she's definitely a chocolate purist. But my dad likes them! And since I had three of them, I believe it's safe to say I'll be making them again.
After we found this recipe, K and I looked through for about an hour. I came to the conclusion that I'd like to eat EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. Goodness, food porn is the best. Every dish or dessert looks absolutely delicious. I really want to make this pumpkin bread pudding (here's the recipe; it's toward the bottom of the page). There's bourbon in it, but it cooks out....right??
And for anyone who's bored right now, pleaaaaase look at this man's website. He's an amazing artist. His work totally takes my breath away and seriously reminds me of all my inadequacies.

And now for something completely different...
(Watch the video; it's completely worth the 12 minutes of your life, I promise.)

PS: Oh my. I'm listening to Damien Rice right now. Why is he so amazing? And why did Lisa Hannigan and him have to split? Horrible. Listen!

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