Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm in love with Jesse Pinkman.

And I really shouldn't be.
Every time I watch a new episode of Breaking Bad, my heart completely shatters for Jesse.  I have a ridiculous amount of sympathy and love for his character.  And, unintentionally, I have formed this tiny, little crush on him.  Alas, there are a few unfortunate reasons why, if he were a real person, I would never, ever even consider liking him.

  1. He does drugs.  That is a definite no-no in my book.  And it's not even like he does "soft" stuff like weed--no, he does crystal meth, the same meth that he cooks, which leads me to number two. 
  2. He sells drugs.  Maybe I'm just a little old-fashioned, but I always imagined my future husband's career as something meaningful and creative.  A writer or maybe an architect.  I don't really want to have to drive my significant other to the hospital when he comes home after being beaten up by either his crazy drug lord boss or one of his methhead clients.
  3. He's a wannabe white-boy-gangster.  Ew, Jesse, come ON.  You're totally adorable; why are you wearing those heinous baggy pants, shirts three sizes too big and chains around your neck?  Mind you, this bullet point has gotten better throughout the seasons.  But I wouldn't even have looked twice if I saw him on the street during the first season. (Does that make me shallow?)
  4. He'll never get over Jane.  For those who don't know, Jane is Jesse's ex-girlfriend who OD'd.  Actually, now that I think about it, she didn't OD.  She choked on her own puke.  And died.  (And Walt watched the whole thing.)  That seriously messed up Jesse, as it should, and he went to rehab right after.  But the point is that Jesse still loves her--he always will.  
  5. He's breaking bad.  Walt isn't the only person on the show who is changing to the point of no return.  Jesse has changed just as much, and that's saying a lot, since he didn't start out with the best morals or intentions.
And yet.
And yet I can't deny that he still is a good person.  Jesse has this incredible caring heart, and frankly, it's just broken.  Walt used to be the person I cared about, the person I rooted for.  But now, Jesse's struggle is one that I'm entirely invested in.  I kind of, sort of love him.

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