Mandy's Favorite Songs of All Time
- "Good for Me" by Above and Beyond (linky!)
This song is a very recent discovery; my brother, Aaron, showed it to me. The band that sings it is sort of trance-y, but this song is perfect. My favorite part? The fact that it samples Brian Eno's "An Ending (Ascent)" throughout the song. I'm sort of a sucker for ambient music, so this is lovely on a plethora of levels. - "Window" and "Streamside" by The Album Leaf (click me and click me!)
I can remember the first time I ever heard The Album Leaf. (Okay, technically the following anecdote isn't the first time, but that's a-whole-nother story, which I'll probably tell all of you eventually.) I wish I could remember how old I was...alas, earwax. But I was cleaning my bathroom--OH! It had to be before 2007, because I remember cleaning our old bathroom before it got remodeled. Anyway, I had stolen my brother, Aaron's, iPod (do you see a pattern here?) and was picking random songs off of it to listen to. When I picked these two, by the same band of course, I remember being completely taken aback. Sometimes I wonder how songs can even be this beautiful. Now, every time I hear these, I think of my best friend Rachel. Window was her favorite. Miss you, Rach. - "In Between 2 States" by Athlete (yay music!)
Whoaaa, sound familiar?? Yes, this is the song that gave me the title of my blog. I honestly can't tell you if this title is supposed to be taken literally, as in two states of the country, or if it's supposed to be metaphoric. I always like to think it was the latter. The reason I like this song is because of its simplicity. It just is what it is. - "Blood Bank," "Blindsided" and "Beth/Rest" by Bon Iver (click here, here and here)
This was hard, because pretty much any song by Bon Iver is my favorite. But these three definitely win overall. Close runners-up? Tower, Re:stacks and Woods. (By the way, Re:stacks has this amazing phrase, crispy realizations. Best ever.) Blood Bank gives me this feeling that's incredibly difficult to explain to someone. There's something about the truthfulness of the lyrics that stuns me. It's as simple as, "I know it well, that secret that you know, you don't know how to tell." Chills. Blindsided has that fabulous middle part that says, "Would you really rush out for me now?" That part literally takes my breath away. Completely gorgeous. Beth/Rest....speechless. His voice makes this song for me. And the melody he sings....ahhh. (Also, listen to Roslyn by Bon Iver and St. Vincent. This song was on the New Moon soundtrack and it's amaaaazing.) - "Words and Everything After" by The Color Turning (click meeeee)
This song isn't anywhere. Not on Youtube, not on iTunes. It's because the band was never that big or anything. But on that link you can buy it on Amazon...just take my word for it, please? From the music box, to that one acoustic guitar and then to the make-my-heart-melt lyrics...this song has always been my favorite. "And there was nothing like falling for you." (I also heard this song because of my brother, Aaron. I owe him my life, basically.) - "Colorblind" by Counting Crows (oh goodness, click now)
Sighhhhh. This is just one of those songs. It's from one of my favorite movies, Cruel Intentions. (Don't judge!) I know how to play it on the piano, and the lyrics are amazing, and it just makes me all giggly and giddy inside. I'm a girl. - "For You to Notice" by Dashboard Confessional (lalaalalala)
People can say whatever they want about Dashboard, but this band was like my first obsession. The newer stuff kind of sucks, but if you go back to the original Dashboard--just Chris and a guitar--it's pretty amazing. This song goes back to my boy crazy days, where I seriously sat around wishing to be loved. (Not much has changed.) I love Chris' voice, the totally honest lyrics. Simple and truthful.
Well, there's section one. I'm not sure how many sections there will be. Enjoy the music! I know I will.
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