Wednesday, October 5, 2011

For y(our) listening pleasure...(part two)

Who's ready for more of the best songs ever? Mandy is!
  1. "All is Full of Love" and "Steadier Footing" by Death Cab for Cutie (click and click)
    All, right. So, this is my favorite band ever. It seems like I've loved them forever, but it's really only been since 2006. The first song, All is Full of Love, is on my favorite album by DCFC, The Photo Album. What I like most about this song is the lyrics. Just look them up. They give me hope. Steadier Footing just makes me smile. It's a story. It's a little depressing. Somehow, though, it's a short song that I have to listen to every time my shuffle turns it on. I suck at analyzing music--it's just great, okay? It's Ben no questioning.
  2. "Rock My Boat" (Roger O'Donnel Mix) and "(This is) The Dream of Evan and Chan" by Dntel
    I've already written about these two. Click this!
  3. "Your Hand in Mine" by Explosions in the Sky (pumpkins)
    I hope I explain this well...this song is completely instrumental, which is an automatic plus. But other than that, this song literally sounds like what the title is. Holding someone's hand, though it may seem like a small, trivial gesture, is epic. It's incredible. Sometimes it can be better than a kiss. And this song just sounds like it. Does that make sense? Just listen.
  4. "We Own the Sky," "Graveyard Girl" and "Skin of the Night" by M83 (so much clicking)
    Please, please, please. Whoever you are! Give this band a try. If you don't listen to any of the songs I'm posting, please please listen to M83. Anything by them. (But the best introduction album is either Before the Dawn Heals Us or Saturdays=Youth.) M83 became one of my favorite bands after one song I listened to outside of Cold Stone 5 years ago. Incredible. Seriously. And by the way, the video for We Own the Sky makes me ridiculously giddy.
  5. "Symmetry" by Mew (love)
    Mmmm. This totally is a perfect "make-out mixtape" song. (Sorry, Mom.) Mew is an interesting, but fabulous, band that was introduced to me by my old Young Women's leader. The first album I had by them, Frengers, is so good. I really want to learn this on the piano. The melody is just pretty. (This is why I could never have an entire music blog; saying a song is pretty is a little trite.)
  6. "Go Out and Love Someone" by Pogo (sweaters)
    Okay, Pogo is just fracking awesome. He uses sound clips from movies and creates MARVELOUS, gorgeous songs. I LOVE him. I am constantly amazed by the songs he makes. And for some reason, I can't explain why, this has always been my favorite. But check his others out, too! Totally worth it. You can check out his site and buy the songs here.
  7. "Recycled Air" and "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" by The Postal Service (here and here's the radio edit, the latter is my favorite version; and here)
    My stupid ex once told me that Recycled Air was crap and just a filler song. I guess it's good we broke up, because this song is stunning. One of the choice things about Gibbard is the pictures he paints in his songs...I literally see what he's singing about. "I watch the patchwork farms slow fade into the ocean's arms." Wow, this almost makes me tear up. Gosh, I wish I was talented. The District Seems Alone Tonight...I mean...doesn't it just speak for itself? If you listen to it, you'll understand. If you don't understand, you don't know good music. See? Told you I was a music snob. (Fun Fact: I based one of my old Harry Potter fanfictions off of the line, "I am a visitor here, I am not permanent.)
  8. "Reflecting Light" by Sam Phillips (rahhhhh)
    I want to dance to this at my wedding. End of story.
  9. "Season of Love" by Shiny Toy Guns (awww)
    First time I heard this? The second season of finale of Gossip Girl. I love love, and this song is the perfect love song. It might seem repetitive...and honestly, it kind of is. But it just makes me happy. It makes me feel something, and isn't that the point of music? I think so.
  10. "Untitled 4" by Sigur Ros (lallalallsaaaaa)
    I wrote about this song on this blog forever ago. Jonsi is my hero, sort of. Everything he sings or write, he does it with such passion and truth. For being known as The Nothing Song is somewhat ironic, since it's been so much to me.
  11. "Oh Mandy" by The Spinto Band (YESSS)
    I think it's pretty self-explanatory why I adore this song. SOMEONE SING THIS TO MEEEEE.

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