Whilst looking up O, Pioneer! on Sparknotes for my Women's Writing class, I stumbled upon this post. My head is starting to ache from laughing so hard. And my nose is horribly stuffed (something that involuntarily happens when I giggle too much). These are, by far, the best creepy text messages I've ever read. At least I know I'm not this frighteningly stalker-ish.
Which is my favorite?
"On a scale from one to ten, I'm attracted to you whatever number equals being willing to rip out my own heart and put it in a box and leave it on your doorstep. Is that a seven?"
Which is yours?
First question is, Why are you looking up Sparknotes? Just read the whole book and come to your own conclusions. Second question, How am I supposed to choose my favorite creepy stalker message? They're almost all equally creepy. But if I had to choose one that would keep me looking over my shoulder, it would be "Maybe you'll love me, in heaven." Or maybe the one about you look cute when you're sleeping. **shiver**
I think I like this one best:
"I invented an emotion to describe our relationship, it’s called loveangerfrowns."
And this one probably disturbs me the most:
"Do you know anyone who pays cash for human teeth (don’t worry, not my own)?"
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