Sunday, November 20, 2011

my week's end

All right. So, the first odd thing about this weekend was that I didn't go to the premiere of Breaking Dawn Part 1. Thankfully. I won't lie to you: I've been to the premieres of the last three movies. And for the most part, I don't regret that nor am I ashamed. They were good(ish) movies. However, that was only because the books were good(ish) books. Unfortunately, Stephenie Meyer was going through some personal crisis when she wrote the final chapter of the Twilight series. A half-vampire, half-human baby? A gruesome vampire c-section in which Edward actually bites into his wife's uterus? I mean...he chews off the umbilical cord. Eghh. Ultimately, this is the reason why I refused to wait in line for this movie. Well, I did see it Friday night. And it was unsurprisingly horrible. There were moments that I didn't completely detest, but they were few. The thought that this isn't even the last's a thought that makes me cringe. After the movie, Kate and Leanne came over, and we attempted to watch the third movie, Eclipse. I became super distracted, though, when Kate taught me how to use Home Share on iTunes. Home Share is quite possibly the best thing iTunes has ever come up with. My song count went from 2055 to 2728. That's 673 songs. So happy.
Saturday was spent writing a "literature review" for my E.W. class, which is just a euphemism for a research paper. Don't pretend, teacher lady. Kate's and my original intention was to write about how early sexualization in life can lead a girl into prostitution. After a lot of research, we changed it to just child sexual abuse. Not a happy topic, but something we were able to find a copious amount of information on. It has to be ten pages, and currently, we only have three...but we still have about a week to finish it.
Today was rainy. When I left church, I immediately became soaked as I made my way to my friend Isabella's car. And now I'm here.
OH. Dad bought me the cutest chair from a garage sale yesterday. It's this beautiful dark teal blue and it's probably from the sixties. It was a shampoo chair, and I'm totally in love with it. And it was only $5! Lovely deal. I'll upload a picture of it soon.
That's all, folks.

Just kidding. Listen to this song. The Antlers' newest album is so incredible. If Sigur Ros, M83 and Radiohead had a menage a trois and (somehow) a baby was formed, it would be this album. The Antlers are slowly becoming a new favorite band.

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