Sunday, December 25, 2011

Am I too young to begin writing a memoir?


I can’t walk. It seems strange to me to start a novel out that way, but if you and I were meeting in person, I wouldn’t need to explain that, would I? It would be obvious that my legs didn’t work correctly by the yellow and black contraption that I like to call the Smooch (we’ll get to my wheelchairs’ names later on) which is what I use for all transportation. You’d know it automatically, so I feel that in this instance as well, you should know that I can’t, and never have or will be able to, walk.

Personally, I think walking is quite overrated. What’s so special about it anyway? You get blisters on your feet and I mean, everyone does it. Way to be original, 99% of the population. I totally just made that statistic up. Don’t take that to the bank. But yeah, walking. I never look at a portly man (or woman, if I’m being politically correct) climbing up the stairs and desperately think to myself, “Oh man, I’m super jealous I can’t struggle up those steep steps.” When it comes to walking, I don’t think I’m missing out on too much. Oh no, I can’t go hike somewhere or run on the treadmill or…you know, do things that require walking.

While walking is not something that I fiercely crave, there are things that come with working legs that I’ll occasionally wish for. I won’t ever surf or go ice skating or take a kickboxing class (to meet a hot kickboxer, of course). I won’t ever be able to perfect the moonwalk, though my moonroll usually gets a few rounds of applause. I won’t walk down the aisle at my wedding or walk my children to school.

But why let my “cannots” get me down when I have so many “cans?”

If you ask anyone who knows me well, they’ll tell you I’m sickeningly optimistic; my cup is half-full almost all the time. I feel that I was made this way, with screwed-up legs, for a reason. I’m not sure what that reason is yet, but I believe in it with my whole heart. Life really is like a box of chocolates, and I just happened to get the already bitten off, nasty chocolate that someone threw back because it tasted like excrement.


awalk002 said...

How ironic would it be if you had my last name?

Kim said...

The chocolate did not taste like excrement. It was just the maple one or the marzipan...not my favorite. And Andrew, I'm a great lover of irony.