Sunday, January 1, 2012

One hundred posts

With one hundred of these posts, you'd think there would be a lot of substance. A lot of interesting thoughts and captivating re-tellings of the fabulous life I so desperately crave. And yet, after rereading just the entries from this past year, I find myself bored. Bored with my life. Bored with everything that goes along with it. And whose fault is that? Mine, of course. I need to do something, anything with my life. I long for the inevitable time when I'll be able to wake up every morning and not know exactly what I'll be doing with my day. I want to be anxiously awaiting changes and new experiences instead of living the same day over and over.
After a few years of this blog, I figure I should finally explain the title of it--in between two states. Of course, originally, it just happened to be the song I was listening to when I created this diary of sorts. I still don't know if the song title is supposed to be taken literally or figuratively, but I have decided to choose the latter. I'm stuck in between two states of being. When the world for everyone else is simply black and white, for some reason my life is a constant gray. And I can't seem to shake it. I've said this before but I'm tired of almost being where I want to be. It seems that the future I want for myself is so close to where I'm at, but I can't move. I'm completely stuck, and I have been for years.
So, in conclusion, my new year's resolution (a tradition that in the past I've always tried to ignore) is to become unstuck. I'm not sure in what ways I will become could be anything. Decisions need to be made, and I need to focus on the future.

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