Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the ways in which I suck

  1. School: Kate and I had two mottos this quarter: apathy and "Cs get degrees!" We had two classes together, which we missed on numerous occasions. We were both anticipating the end of the quarter, and now that it's here, we both can breathe a little easier. Scratch that last; no breathing until we've received our grades. Yikes.
  2. Blogging: My mom has been getting on my case lately because I haven't been blogging. I've missed you, blogspot! I'm sorry I left you for so long. I promise--I'll try to write as often as I can during Spring break and during next quarter. Oh, and they'll actually be interesting posts. About fun things. And food.
  3. Eating healthy food: Let's be honest, I've always sucked at this one.
  4. Keeping a budget: I don't think I can suck at this one, technically, because I've never done it. But last week when my checking account was depleted to -$7.25, it sort of made me realize that I need to be careful with my moola.
  5. Photographing: Can that be used as a verb? (Mom?) Anyway, I have a nice camera and a cute little plastic one, and I need to take more pictures AND actually post them.
  6. Being cool: Just kidding, I don't suck at that.


Kati said...

FYI: YOU don't suck!!! Those are just little things that make life an adventure and you learn from them!!!! And you know what, C's do get degrees, I know that first hand :) Love and miss you!

Kim said...

Photographing is absolutely a verb.