Wednesday, April 18, 2012

hear it.

So, my best friend, Isabella, and I have this thing (which I've slowly integrated into my relationships with my other best friends).  Let me tell you what it is.
We both have something that we need to hear everyday.  It's a phrase or a paragraph that gives us hope or happiness, and in order to function semi-normally, we need to hear it.  Mine is that I'm her best friend.  I constantly need reassurance that my best friends love me.  Isabella needs to hear that she's beautiful and just all around amazing.  And we totally switch off sometimes, because truthfully, there are a lot of things we need to hear. Almost every time we see each other, we just say these's become a sort of inside joke, but we completely mean whatever we say.
And I can't even tell you how nice it is!
You have that something, too.  What is it?  What is the one thing that you need to hear everyday to keep you going?  Find out what it is, and get someone to say it to you.  I'll say it to you, if you want.  Because I know how important it is to hear it.

1 comment:

Benjamin Douglas said...

Cheese platter, you're awesome! :D